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Announce News Post #1858

Misc Bug Fixes

Written by: Estarra the Eternal
Date: Thursday, October 6th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

o The DeadFlowers construct and GlinshariMoonhart construct will now
also affect Druidry saplings/trees when boosting lumber production (as
opposed to only moonhart/ravenwood trees).


o Moon Resurgem will no longer be unable to resurrect people with
Ecology Deepbond previously activated but currently dormant.

o It is once again possible to use Lowmagic Winter.

o You may now PATH FORCESTART. This will stop you from attempting to
make any delayed movements (such as tumble) and allow speedwalking.

o Ascendant Life and Death Aura will now regenerate power even if you
have nothing in reserve.

o Cleave will no longer consume balance when done against a target with
a prismatic barrier.

o When you are given the deadreckoning curse by a God, they may no
longer occassionally be shown within brackets. How strange!

o You can now II EMPTY to list empty fluid containers.

o Fixed a bug that would cause you to lose a trademaster position in
a city cartel immediately after winning an election, if you
happened to have the skill dormant via skillflex at that moment.

o POUR <container> INTO <container> CONFIRM now works.

o Post office upgrades will now be listed in MANSE SHOW ROOM UPGRADES.

o Aeonics TimelessBody will now correctly protect against sliced limbs
and punctured lungs.

o Gaudiguch's EnigmaticPyramid will now properly give a small reduction
in astral insanity.

o Gaudiguch's EnigmaticPyramid will now properly allow Paradigmatics
ChaoteSign to be used if the player has a butterfly. It will also be
free if the player has the ChaoteSign ability.

o Gaudiguch's EnigmaticPyramid will now allow players with a butterfly
to use Paradigmatics Butterfly.

o Inscribing Runes will now check for the required willpower in a more
sensible manner.

o You can no longer Crow Track to someone who is inside a guildhall
(unless you and your target are in the same guild).

o Distort has been updated. The following skills will now only be
affected by distort if the DOER is an enemy of the area.
- Planar Teleport.
- Planar Summon.
- Tarot Empress.
- Celestialism/Nihilism Beckon.

o You now have to HEARTSTOP CONFIRM to kill yourself if you have Divine
Grace or Innocence.

o Karma is now listed in GMCP Char.Vitals. This will probably be the
last addition to GMCP stats.

o The DOMOTH BLESS command now works in a more user-friendly manner. It
will ignore items that are not domoth sceptres/orbs/crowns.

o Fixed a bug that would cause conquest nations to erroneously gain
power when their conquest pool could not cover an expense.

o Trying to LOSE a denizen will now ignore mobs who are not following

o If you are following another player and they move north, you will now
see the direction of travel in the "You follow PERSON..." message.

o A message will now be left in a guild's logs when the Administrator
assigns a deeded manse to someone.

o Entering the news or quitting will now be cancelled if the player is
targetted by a kata grapple.

o Only the leader of a cult can now meditate upon the Patron.

Penned by My hand on the 21st of Dvarsh, in the year 307 CE.

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