Special Report, Part 1.
Written by: Iosai the Anomaly
Date: Monday, April 23rd, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone
The first round of changes from the player's special report are now in!
Expect things to keep coming over the next few days and possibly weeks
as changes are finalised and implemented. Here's what we've got now:
o Night's Choke ability has been removed and replaced by a new skill,
ShadowTwist. See the AB file for details!
o Night Steal now has an option to release the shadow you are holding,
providing its owner is with you.
o When a village revolts, all of the village's loyal denizens will begin
by questioning their loyalty to the city or commune they have just left.
It will take them a little while to open themselves up to hear about
other cities and communes. This should rectify the issue of very short
(3-5 minute) revolts completely - however, if we deem that revolts are
still occurring too quickly after this change has settled in, we will
make some further adjustments.
o When beseeching shrine powers, the shrine will only take into account
a sanctified room if it is at the full sanctification level.
o The supernumerary/ephemeral system has been reworked. Supernumerary
now equates to active, and Ephemeral equates to inactive. A demigod+ can
only use a power if it is supernumerary, and only when it is active will
it use weight. A demigod+ can have as many abilities as he or she
desires in an ephemeral state. The syntax POWERS <ability> MAKE
[SUPERNUMERARY|EPHEMERAL] has been added to allow switching abilities
between active and inactive states.
o Changing a power from ephemeral to supernumerary incurs a essence fee
equivalent to 10% of the original purchase cost. Making a power
ephemeral is free.
o Sealholders can now select a single demipower from their seal's
selections. Once you select one, both of the others will be impossible
to purchase until you forget the one you have learned permanently (ie
not just by making it ephemeral).
o There are now vastly diminshing returns on essence gain above
75,000,000. Spend what you earn, folks!
o There is no longer a 66% essence loss when ascending a demigod via a
Nexus of Power.
o There is a new demigod power: DivineBeast!
o There is a new demigod power: Weatherproof!
o There is a new demigod power: Anchor!
o Racial changes are in! Tae'dae now only have a level 1 balance
penalty, Igasho now only have a level 1 balance penalty, Mugwump now
have 11 base constitution, Merian now have base 11 constitution and
Merian Lord have lost 1 spec'd constitution, and Orclach now have 14
base dexterity.
o The hit percentages for knighthood slashing and bashing have changed.
- Hack/Smite Up = 75% gut, 12.5% left leg, 12.5% right leg.
- Hack/Smite Down = 75% head, 25% chest.
- Slash/Smash R/L = 66% R/L leg, 17.5% chest, 17.5% gut.
- Swipe/Pound R/L = 66% chest, 17.5% gut, 17.5% R/L arm.
- Slice/Bash R/L = 66% R/L arm, 17.5% chest, 17.5% gut.
Penned by My hand on the 8th of Avechary, in the year 323 CE.