Wheel Stuff
Written by: Estarra the Eternal
Date: Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone
After I came back from DC (I spent a few extra days there), I had
several messages and emails about concerns regarding the Wheel, so I
decided to code a way to track the payouts to see exactly what people
were winning. While I was coding this tracking system, I did do some
small tweaks to wheel rewards (mostly rounding numbers). I thought these
tweaks were so inconsequential that they weren't worth posting about.
Indeed, I felt they were so slight that I didn't even tell any other
admin or coders.
But some intrepid players have apparently noticed and complained about a
'ninja nerf'. To those and any who felt that this should have been
announced, I apologize. It was not my intent to sneak something in. I
honestly felt these tweaks were so small it wouldn't be noticed and,
really, my tracker indicates that the rewards are amazing.
They are so amazing, in fact, that after the artifact sale, rubbing
coins will change so you only will receive a coin only 10% of the time
(rather than 50%).
Penned by My hand on the 3rd of Klangiary, in the year 331 CE.