Aquachemantics Alterations.
Written by: Iosai the Anomaly
Date: Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
Addressed to: Everyone
+ Chemantics tanks can now hold 2000 reagents instead of 1000.
+ Pellucid mist now drains slightly more ego.
+ Peaceful sheen now drains slightly more ego.
+ Depuration adjuvant's damage to health and ego has been increased.
+ The Chalice attack is now 50% asphyx, 25% cold, 25% blunt.
+ Percolation adjuvant now causes sensitivity and its health damage has
been increased.
+ Luminated mist now gives either lumination or blindness (50:50).
+ Dehydration adjuvant has had its health damage increased significantly
dependent on the target's ego.
+ Aquachemancers now receive a brief prismatic barrier after using their
Penned by My hand on the 25th of Tzarin, in the year 343 CE.