February Vesteran Honours
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Thursday, March 10th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone
Apologies for the late announcement of February's Vesteran Honours. Two
comments for future entries:
(1) You may submit one entry each in both the artisanal and bardic
categories in any given month. However, if you do submit in both
categories, you will only be eligible for one award for that month. Both
entries will be judged but if you qualify for awards in both categories,
you will only be given one award (the highest award of the two or one
chosen at the discretion of the judges in the case of a tie).
(2) I'd like to reiterate that entries need to be uniquely Lusternian.
Art and writing about subjects having nothing to do with Lusternia will
not be given much weight.
==( Bardic Winner )==
==( Bardic Runners-up )==
Jitwix, Jasper, and Hallen
==( Bardic Merit )==
Uziah, Ciera, Kaervas, and Guido
==( Artisanal Winner )==
==( Artisanal Runners-up )==
Bricriu and Kaileigh
==( Artisanal Merit )==
Folken, Daganev, and Laysus
Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Dioni, in the year 112 CE.