Vote Weight Updates
Written by: The Norns, Administrators of Fate
Date: Sunday, June 8th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone
The way that vote weight is calculated has been altered in two ways.
Firstly, vote weights are still updated weekly, but should now change
more slowly as you spend more or less time online. For example, if you
significantly increase the amount of time you spend online, it will take
longer for your vote weight to increase. Likewise, if you drastically
reduce your playtime, your vote weight will take longer to fall. Those
of you who spend a consistent amount of time online each week should
notice little or no change in your vote weight.
Secondly, vote weight no longer accrues while your character is in a
manse. This applies in all manses, whether you own them or not, and at
all times, whether you are role-playing, reading, or AFK. Only the vote
weight calculation has changed. Time online as used for other purposes,
such as eligibility for mentoring or contesting an election, has not
been affected.
Penned by My hand on the 12th of Vestian, in the year 385 CE.