Login Notes
Written by: Ieptix the Anomaly
Date: Thursday, September 18th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone
In need of a to-do list? Some words of self-motivation when you log in?
<insert third potential use for mechanic being introduced here>?
A new feature, the login note, has been added, which allows you to set a
note to be displayed shortly after each login. Here's a rundown of the
commands (root verb can be either LOGINNOTE or LOGIN_NOTE):
LOGINNOTE DISPLAY - Shows your current login note.
LOGINNOTE SET <text> - Overwrites your current login note with text.
Suitable for one-liners.
LOGINNOTE EDIT - Edit your login note using the in-game editor.
LOGINNOTE CLEAR - Remove your login note.
Penned by My hand on the 24th of Dvarsh, in the year 393 CE.