Artisan Packages
Written by: Ieptix the Anomaly
Date: Sunday, February 8th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone
A new ability, PACKAGING, has been added to the Artisan skill, allowing
artisans to package furniture for later assembly. Details for the
packaging process can be found in AB ARTISAN PACKAGING.
Consumers may use the packages using the ASSEMBLE <package> command.
This comes with the usual restrictions of constructing furniture;
packages cannot be used to get around indoor/outdoor requirements, etc.
For thrones, the owner will be set to whoever assembles the package. The
pantograph artifact and the Beauteous Workings ascendant power are taken
into account when determining whether there is room to assemble a piece
of furniture. However, the special mark from the ascendancy power will
not be present; only artisans specifically constructing furniture will
receive that boon.
Penned by My hand on the 16th of Roarkian, in the year 404 CE.