Pledges and Pacts Updates
Written by: Ieptix the Anomaly
Date: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone
The pledge and pact powers for Celestialism and Nihilism have been
updated to fill in the gaps and redundancies resulting from the
affliction overhaul conversions. The power lists for each Supernal/Demon
Lord are as follows:
Methrenton: Sensitivity, Bleeding, Justice, Powersap, Flame
Shakiniel: Paranoia, Anorexia, Blackout, Confusion, Egovice
Raziela: Recklessness, Pacifism, Karmichealing*, Clumsiness, Manabarbs
Japhiel: Stupidity, Amnesia, Hallucinations, Shackles
**, Disloyalty
Elohora: Addiction, Paralysis, Powersink, Luminous, Powersink
Luciphage: Dominate, Paralysis, Powersink, Healthleech, Amnesia
Ashtorath: Impatience, Manabarbs, Recklessness, Flame, Crunch
Baalphegar: Paranoia, Stupidity, Darkfate, Epilepsy, Clumsiness
Nifilhema: Sensitivity, Bleeding, Shackles, Hemiplegy, Addiction
Gorgulu: Darksilver, Rigormortis, Dysentery, Scabies, Anorexia
* Karmichealing is a new effect. When the effect hits, for the next 60
seconds, any health potion sips used by the target will also cure the
caster for one-fourth the amount. A Celestine may only have this effect
targeting one person at a time; attacking a new target will cause the
effect to be cancelled from the previous target.
** Shackles will be ineffective when targeting anyone affected by
Penned by My hand on the 25th of Dioni, in the year 411 CE.