Challenge of Nature
Written by: Avechna, the Avenger
Date: Sunday, February 14th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
The Trial of Nature started slowly and steadily as mortals peered into
their dreamcatchers to discern the source of nightmares still plauging
the Basin. The Thespian of the Ages, Irillia Shevat, was the first to
solve a clue that led her to the World Stage she knows so well. Soon
after Arcanis De'Unnero took the lead and Falmiis Shevat followed. From
then on it was an even battle between the two, with Kiradawea Startail
and Marcella n'Lochli close behind.
It was not till late into the Trial that Marcella suddenly took the lead
and passed the others by such a large margin that her victory was near
assured. And indeed she won and accepted the burden of the Keeper of the
Seal with many in attendance as Avechna, the Avenger placed the
Medallion in her hands. Congratulations Marcella n'Lochli of Magnagora!
The following prizes were also awarded:
Second Place (700 credits): Arcanis De'Unnero, of Magnagora
Third Place (500 credits): Portius Nitraedes, of Hallifax
Fourth Place (250 credits): Ilthilior n'Lochli, of Magnagora
Fifth Place (100 credits): Thul d'Illici, of Magnagora
Penned by My hand on the 7th of Tzarin, in the year 434 CE.