Justice Seal Rules
Written by: Ieptix the Anomaly
Date: Monday, February 22nd, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
Following the myriad updates to stats, defenses, buffs, etc. over the
last year, the question on what is and isn't allowed for the the Justice
event has come up. We have adjusted the rules a bit to account for the
changes. Essentially, the previous ban on ego regen and so forth has
been largely abolished; any buffs (to max ego or to ego regeneration)
are allowed so long as the fall within the buff system (i.e. show up on
BODYSCAN). Active ego healing abilities from class skills, beasts,
refresh powers, and such are still disallowed. The current rules are
listed below, and can also be found in HELP ASCENSION RULES:
+ Abilities from the Influence and Dramatics skillsets.
+ General healing (bromides, sparkleberry, etc).
+ Tradeskill items (including enchantment, tinkering, etc).
+ Any preparatory or permanent buffs (karma blessings, racial benefits,
etc) acquired before your debate.
+ Passive ego regeneration and max ego increases from skills using the
buff system (i.e. shows on BODYSCAN)
+ Any activated abilities from skillsets not listed above (roulade,
laetitia, etc).
+ Passive ego regeneration and max ego increases from skills outside the
buff system from sources not listed above (i.e. does not show on
+ Any action or skill that fully refreshes you (refresh, trueheal, etc).
+ Shrine abilities.
+ Beasts.
Penned by My hand on the 25th of Kiani, in the year 435 CE.