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Announce News Post #289

First part of Warrior updates

Written by: Hajamin, the Golden Lord
Date: Thursday, May 19th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

This is but the first change, there are more to come.

Numbness: Now lasts twice as long.
Immunity: Doubled power costs. 50% chance of fading each time it works.
Now listed in DEF.
Puissance: Reduced equilibrium cost.
Hunger: Now can be used when prone.
Barge, Charge, Tackle: Now can be used if your target is unbalanced.
Constitution: Halves the effect of hunger attacks.
Adrenaline: Now cures Aeon. When used as a defense, there is a delay
before it comes up, just like quicksilver, but it does not use
equilibrium or balance. DOES NOT STACK WITH QUICKSILVER.

Broken Limbs: Things which depend on broken limbs (e.g., Sacrifice) will
recognize paralyzed and fractured limbs as well.
Cures: Some cures changed:
- Kombu is now smoked, not eaten
- Pierced arm, pierced leg, severed nerve, hemiplegy: myrtle
- Slit throat: mending
- Leg tendon: regeneration
- Broken wrist: regeneration

Assay: New options to view the parry of a specific body part (or, with
decreased accuracy, an area), or your target's stance. Reduced
equilibrium cost.
Engage: Small chance of preventing your target from leaving when you get
an engage strike in.

PierceArm: Now causes target to unwield weapon.
ArmArtery, LegArtery, SlicedForehead: Bleeding increased significantly.
SliceEar: Small stun added.
SlitThroat: Now prevents eating and drinking.
LegTendon: Now knocks down.
Lunge: Power cost is now 2. Goes through rebounding. Small increase to
deep wounds.
PuncturedLung: Small chance to prevent smoking (similar to BlackLung and
stacks with it). Higher endurance drain.
PuncturedChest: Longer blackout
Rend: Also does deep wound damage.
Impale: Also does deep wound damage until writhed off.
LegPin: Does additional damage and deep wound damage until writhed off.
Haymaker: Now supports targetting a body part (MAKEHAY <target>
HeartPierce: New skill

BrokenJaw: Now causes pain when you drink, or chew arnica to apply it,
as well as when eating.
BrokenNose: Prevents sniffing or snorting spores.
Concussion: Works with jab or swing.
Bashbrain: Works with jab or swing.

Elemental Runes: Now only move 1/3 of damage to the elemental type of

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Juliary, in the year 117 CE.

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