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Announce News Post #302

Crafting Items

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Saturday, June 4th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

There's been a major coding update to craft items, but it is an "under
the hood" update so most of you probably won't notice anything
different. For those who use designs, the most noticeable difference is
the craft ID numbers have changed. For those in cartels, you'll notice
the following difference:

- CARTEL <cartel> will no longer show whether a cartel item has been
submitted or not. Rather, you will be able to get a list of all items
that the Trademaster is working on and view each specifically. The list
includes the entire "stable" of designs for the cartel that are a "work
in progress" and "submitted". The number for "Cartel Designs" is the
number of cartel-specific items that can still be submitted for that
year (the number goes down once it is submitted). The number of "Public
Designs" is the same except for public designs. At the beginning of
every year the numbers will be renewed.

TradeMasters will notice several different changes:

- All commands should work, including recall design and trash design.
You can recall anything submitted, including public designs (that are
submitted and haven't been approved).

- To list designs, you must specify the cartel. DESIGN LIST <cartel>

- You do not need to specify if a design is cartel-specific when you
request a new design. Rather, you can use DESIGN <design> MAKECARTEL to
make it a cartel-specific design. You can also DESIGN <design>
MAKEPUBLIC to return the design to the public domain. This must be done
before submission.

- Submitting a cartel design will immediately lower the number of cartel
designs that can be submitted. Same for public. Recalling a design will
increase the number of submissions.

- There is a check on the suggested commodities when you submit a
design, so if there is a typo or the commodity doesn't exist, the design
will be thrown it back.

- Each year the number of Public Designs and Cartel Designs will be
refreshed. You will no longer have to wait for cartel designs to be
approved before working on the next one.

Finally, we are tracking designs by cartels now, not individuals.
Therefore, new TradeMasters will inherit the old designs of their
predecessors and can edit or trash them.

WARNING: In converting to this new design system, some unapproved
private cartel designs (works in progress for public, not cartels) may
have been moved to a public cartel. If you are a TradeMaster and notice
a design that you were working on is no longer there or a design has
suddenly appeared that you weren't working on, please let me know.

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Urlachmar, in the year 119 CE.

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