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Announce News Post #3391

Seal of Death 2024

Written by: Avechna, the Avenger
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The formidable Challenge of Death has once again cast its ominous shadow over the citizens of the Basin of Life. From the farthest reaches of the world, warriors converged, each bearing their weapon of choice, their eyes alight with fierce determination. As the sun set upon the battlefield, the once serene lands ran red with the blood of valiant denizens and brave citizens alike. The air was thick with the clangor of steel and spell as eight mighty challengers spread throughout the Basin with Huskii Myeras of the Serenwilde Commune taking an early commanding lead. The Midnight Legions of Magnagora soon stormed the battlefield, fiercely protecting Shango D'Cente as he soon claimed the lead for himself.

Huskii and Jolanthe Myeras of the Serenwilde Commune continued to leapfrog for second and third, followed closely by Zdrada of Gaudiguch and Ayisdra Ysav'ri of Hallifax. However Shango's lead was secured as he rose victorious to claim the Medallion of Death.

As always, for their efforts, the following are rewarded for their participation:

In Second Place (700 credits): Huskii Myeras of Serenwilde

In Third Place (500 credits): Jolanthe Myeras of Serenwilde

In Fourth Place (250 credits): Zdrada Kalas of Gaudiguch

In Fifth Place (100 Credits): Ayisdra Ysav'ri of Hallfaix

Penned by My hand on the 24th of Urlachmar, in the year 684 CE.

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