July Vesteran Honours
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone
It seems that every month, judging the bardic and artisanal entries
keeps getting harder and harder. This time, there was a HUGE number of
bardic entries and selecting winners was extraordinarily difficult.
Also, now may be a good time to remind everyone that we judge upon those
entries that relate to Lusternia and give extra weight to how uniquely
Lusternian an entry is. A case in point is this month's artisanal
winner, Kaileigh's "Expecting Shadows", which is a portrait directly out
of current events. Also, we really do not want reproductions of other
artists, even if they are good artists like Boris Vallejo or Frank
Frazetto. Originals only please!
==( Bardic Winner )==
==( Bardic Runners-up )==
Anarias, Ialie, and Arale
==( Bardic Merit )==
Jasper, Gwylifar, Rhosyn, and Veonira
==( Artisanal Winner )==
==( Artisanal Runners-up )==
Melgoth, Sobran, and Baklava
==( Artisanal Merit )==
Chiba, Selthar, Kiarian, and Ereth
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Klangiary, in the year 123 CE.