Major Bug Exploit Uncovered
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, August 24th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone
Today, we have shrubbed literally dozens of characters (though many of
whom were alts of each other) for finding and exploiting a major bug.
The culprit turned out to be an entire clan, one called the Clan of
Petals of the Lotus Pod. This scheme generated millions of gold
sovereigns which were then used to buy out the credit market and thus
credits were transferred among players and their alts. Those clan
members who were recipients of the gold have all been shrubbed, along
with their alts, credits have been either removed from the characters or
subtracted in lessons proportional to what they purchased off the credit
market, and the clan has been destroyed.
Not only was exploiting this bug and destroying the credit market not
enough, during our investigation I found out that many players were
aware of this exploit and decided simply to turn a blind eye. I was so
outraged that I was tempted to shrub everyone who knew of these
shenanigans and were culpable through not reporting it, but realized I
would have ended up shrubbing half of Magnagora.
Let me emphasize the seriousness of not reporting major bugs or
exploits. If this had not been nipped in the bud, gold in the tens of
millions (if not hundreds of millions) could have flowed into the
economy and the select few who were benefitting from it would have
continued to soak up every credit put up for sale. Further, as I'm sure
you can imagine, the economy would have been devastated. Thus, I am
extremely disappointed that this major exploit wasn't immediately
Finally, if you think this doesn't impact you even if you weren't aware
of it, let me tell you that coding came to a complete hault for quite
some time in order for us to track this down. I really wanted to get
libraries released this weekend as well as release a skillset to a
certain group who may feel neglected before the credit sale ends.
Because of the time we wasted in dealing with this exploit, it looks
rather grim that anything will be released on time.
Penned by my hand on the 9th of Dvarsh, in the year 125 CE.