List of Auction Items
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Sunday, October 9th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone
Here is the list of auctions we had planned. Because this is a new
system, we may stretch the auctions out over a few days to make sure
everything is working correctly. If this is a popular feature, we may
sporadically do more auctions in the future.
Neverending Health Vial (5 auctions)
Neverending Mana Vial (5 auctions)
Neverending Bromide Vial (5 auctions)
Boots of Haste (less frequent hasty messages) (5 auctions)
Spectacles of Sight (SECRETS 100%) (5 auctions)
Spectacles of Clairvoyance (see enemies enter local area) (5 auctions)
Magic Soap (wash with one scrub) (5 auctions)
Magic Shovel (dig 3 levels) (5 auctions)
Spectacles of Pathfinding (use hunting pathways) (3 auctions)
Wand of Illusions (3 auctions)
Wand of Ice (icewall all exits) (2 auctions)
Wand of Fire (firewall all exits) (2 auctions)
Amulet of Resurrection (resurrect another once/day) (1 auction)
Special Pet (casts stupidity affliction) (1 auction)
Penned by my hand on the 8th of Kiani, in the year 129 CE.