Karmic Curse of Harmony and Summoning/Movement changes
Written by: Lisaera, the Ethereal Maiden
Date: Sunday, October 16th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone
From this point onwards, willingly allowing yourself to be karma cursed
with harmony for the purposes of gaining the curser experience is
illegal. If caught doing this, both the curser and the cursed will be
considered guilty. If you are currently in such an arrangement, it is
your responsibility to remove the curse as soon as possible, as we will
begin enforcing this very soon.
As an extra incentive not to undertake this, the harmony curse has been
slightly changed - it will now also continuously drain experience from
you while you are logged in.
On a lighter note, we have been considering many summoning and magical
movement skills recently, and are in the process of making a number of
changes to them. These are some of the more specific changes I can tell
you about, there will be more soon:
- Nature Flow now only works from the same kind of forest to the same
kind - ie. you cannot flow from infested forest to pure forest, or vice
- Wicca Wisp now has the same restriction, someone can only be wisped
from the same type of forest to the same type.
- You must now stay in the room until a Moon Beam is completed in order
for it to work and move you.
- Nihilism/Celestialism Beckon now will not beckon through walls or any
other such nonsense, it should act, as it suggests, as if the person
being beckoned was simply walking from one room to the other.
- Coven Conclave is now also stopped by movement, and furthermore will
not be able to bring someone back to the Coven if they are in a
distorted area to which they are an enemy.
- Snorting Wiccan Mushrooms is now delayed, you must snort them and then
wait a few seconds before you are moved to wherever it is that they lead
Penned by my hand on the 4th of Klangiary, in the year 129 CE.