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Announce News Post #561

Envoy Report Changes

Written by: Lisaera, the Empyrean Mother
Date: Wednesday, April 26th, 2006
Addressed to: Everyone

Most of these changes today are regarding Knighthood specialisations, so
it's important to say to you all that it was agreed in the envoy summit
that Knighthood in general as well as weapon stats and caps are going to
be looked into further. These are not those changes, they are some of
the ones I mentioned before that would require more time to design how
to implement, these are changes asked for in or inspired by the envoy

- Lunge, crush, assault and sweep have all been changed to be blocked by
shield and prismatic barrier. They do however still totally ignore
parrying, stances and auras of rebounding. Roundhouse still ignores
shield and prismatic as well.
- Behead has been changed so that it is now possible ONLY by using the
normal HACK DOWN attack.
- AmputateArm and AmputateLeg have both been given increased stun times.
- When someone has a pinned leg, they will now continuously take
wounding damage to that leg, not to the gut.
- The extra bleeding caused by Disembowel has been increased.
- The balance loss when someone is hit by Wind will no longer stack -
they will only receive more balance loss if they HAVE balance when they
are hit.
- The Knockdown stun time has been increased for Axelords only.
- Athletics Fitness' AB file has been changed slightly to be more
specific about what it does.
- Athletics Headslam now has a chance of knocking the target off their
feet as well.
- Sprint and all the abilities like it (gallop, etc.) now have a slight
balance time, so they can't be used DIRECTLY after each other.
- Athletics Surge has been changed so it now converts a third of the
maximum mana to health, rather than a half.
- The power cost for Athletics Puissance has been lowered.

Penned by My hand on the 17th of Roarkian, in the year 145 CE.

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