Newbies Are Our Future!
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, August 30th, 2006
Addressed to: Everyone
One of the most important needs of Lusternia is to grow its playerbase.
If we want to ever develop more major player organizations
(*cough*hallifax*gaudiguch*cough*), we need grow. Thus, we're taking a
serious look at how Lusternia treats newbies and the newbie experience.
We're hoping to make quickstart and detailed newbie help files as well
as a FAQ. If you want to help us with that, check out the forums where
we asked for ideas.
Also, IRE auditors have been checking out what the newbie experience is
like in Lusternia by creating characters and testing the waters. In a
nutshell, we need to definitely improve the newbie experience. There
were reports that requests for help on the newbie channel went
unanswered, even after asking for help 3-4 times. Apparently, the audits
found that newbies were often ignored in their guilds and even given a
cold shoulder in some cases.
I can't emphasize enough how important it is to make someone's first
time experience here to be as fun as possible! Remember back to your
first time in a text game, and consider that some newbies here have
never played a text game before. It can be overwhelming! Although I know
guilds aren't going out of their way to alienate new players, if we find
that specific guilds are driving away players, we may have to step in to
figure out what the issues are. But I'm hoping by this post everyone
will at least be made aware of our seriousness in meeting the needs of
newbies and help us work towards making Lusternia as fun and exciting
for first time players as well as for the old hands!
Penned by My hand on the 5th of Roarkian, in the year 155 CE.