OOC Clans
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Friday, February 9th, 2007
Addressed to: Everyone
Several issues have come up lately with players apparently expecting the
admin to make rulings on what was said on a clan as an OOC comment and
thus "safe". We do not recognize nor have we ever recognized the
existence of OOC clans. For those of you older members, you may remember
discussions early in Lusternia's history where there was a movement to
ban all OOC clans. I was of the opinion and still am of the opinion that
if players choose to be a part of such clans, they must monitor
themselves and be on their own honour system. But this in no way offers
you any "official" protection from anything said on those clans. We
simply will not recognize being in such a clan as a defense of any sort.
Penned by My hand on the 25th of Shanthin, in the year 168 CE.