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Announce News Post #776

Constructs Fixes/Updates

Written by: Fain, of the Red Masque
Date: Friday, April 6th, 2007
Addressed to: Everyone

You should no longer cause untrapped errors when trying to focus on a
construct or colossus.

Please note: The syntax is FOCUS <construct/colossus>
[POSITIVE|NEGATIVE], and works only in the same room as the
construct/colossus. Example - strengthening the Guardian Stone of Black

Guild security will notice that they can now TELEPORT CONSTRUCT
<construct>. This will take them to the room of the construct, -not-
inside it.

Construct upkeep power costs have changed majorly. They will start out
at 1% of the maximum initial power cost of the construct (as usual) but
every day they stay raised, the upkeep cost will decrease. After so
long, the upkeep will even become positive, giving power to the
affiliated Nexus. (There is a cap, of course.) Once they're destroyed,
the upkeep benefit will gradually decrease (or cost will increase) until
they are raised again. But wait! That's not all. The cost to build a
construct is also dependent on the number of days it has been raised
(net). For example, if the construct is raised for 25 days, destroyed
and raised again as soon as possible, 7 days later, then it will be
considered having been up for 18 days, lowering the power cost to
rebuild the construct by a factor relating to 18. (Feel free to try to
calculate the difference yourselves, but we won't just give it out!)

harmony constructs: These cost 35000k maximum to raise, so the initial
upkeep is -350 power a day. Each day the construct stays raised, the
upkeep will gradually decrease. In this example, by 50 power. This means
that, after 7 days, the upkeep will be 0, and for each day after that,
the upkeep will instead be negative - giving power to the nexus, as
opposed to draining it. On day 10, the upkeep will be +150 (gives 150
power to the nexus), but let's say it's destroyed. One week later, which
is as soon as it can be raised, the upkeep will not return to the normal
-350 power, but will be just -200. The power required to actually raise
the construct will also be less than the 35000k initially required, by a
factor relating to 3, which is the net days it has been raised.

As always, please BUG any bugs.

Penned by My hand on the 7th of Vestian, in the year 173 CE.

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