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Announce News Post #79

AB FIles

Written by: Roark Libertas
Date: Saturday, November 13th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone

You may notice a change to some AB help files. For abilities that do
damage, I added two bits of information: damage type and source.

If damage source is magical, your INT stat modifies the damage you do
with it. If damage source is brute physical, your STR stat modifies the
damage. If it says none then no racial stat modifies it. For example, if
a summoned entity companion can be ordered to do damage then obviously
your racial stats would have no impact on it.

Damage type determines what defends against it. For example, if an
ability says you resist cold, that means any attack whose AB files says
it does cold damage is reduced by that ability. Also, some abilities do
multiple types of damage, like hail does some blunt and some cold. Now
you should be able to determine exactly what sort of damage you are

Knights, your AB files don't have this. You always have a brute physical
damage source, and of course damage type varies depending on the weapon
you use.

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Shanthin, in the year 102 CE.

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