Monks Coming Soon!
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Tuesday, May 15th, 2007
Addressed to: Everyone
Congratulations to both Serenwilde and New Celest for being the first to
jointly complete one of the great quests of the Undervault! Zenobia, the
Queen of Queens of the Kephera, granted two prizes, the distribution of
which was determined through a scavenger hunt. To New Celest went a
scarab that when put into their nexus gave them 100,000 power!
For Serenwilde, they were granted the training and knowledge of the
kephera, which will be the first of the monk's guilds, the newest
archetype which will be released in Lusternia! The monk archetype has
NOT been completely designed and coded, though parts of it has been.
Rather than designing and releasing monks as we did bards, our plan is
to work with a monk committee in Serenwilde to help us design and test
monks before they are released. We expect this to be a multi-month
Eventually, all cities and communes will be offered a chance to build a
monk's guild. To tell you a little bit about it, dexterity is an
important stat for monks, they use a form of martial arts called kata
which allows monks to design custom attacks, and upon a city/commune
specialization, they will receive a martial arts weapon.
Penned by My hand on the 17th of Avechary, in the year 176 CE.