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Announce News Post #815

Glamours changes

Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Wednesday, May 30th, 2007
Addressed to: Everyone

After a great deal of observation and some tough debate, the following
changes have been made to Glamours:

- Damage is no longer done with every hit.
- Sensitivity has been replaced with damage.
- The way colours are chosen has been changed:
- If blind, 1-2 colours will be picked (weighted towards 1)
- If not blind, 2-4 colours will be picked (weighted towards 2)
- No colour will ever be picked twice in the same ColourBurst

- The same changes as ColourBurst have been made here.

- You cannot stack Glamours now.
- You can only weave Glamours of players who are online.

- The same changes as ColourBurst have been made here, with the
following exceptions:
- If blind, 1-2 colours
- If not blind, 2-3 colours
- The timing of ColourMaelstrom will be more predictable, and will hit
everyone in the room at once.

- The ColourMaelstrom effect in a Maze will hit much faster.
- The ColourMaelstrom effect in a Maze can hit with more colours than is

We don't like to make drastic changes to how skills work at all, let
alone so soon after they have been released, but in this case we felt
these changes were needed and are for the better. Some of these are
upgrades (Maze, in particular), while others are simply balancing (we
felt the constant damage and affliction combination of ColourBurst was
too much). We hope that you will agree they make for a more balanced
skillset in the aggregate.


Penned by My hand on the 7th of Klangiary, in the year 177 CE.

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