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Announce News Post #84

Lusternia Goes Gold! The End of Beta!

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Tuesday, November 16th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone

Lusternia is now officially out of the open beta phase and can be
considered fully open. Woohoo! What does this mean? We've come to the
point where we are comfortable that the game is stable, the economy
isn't going to blow up, roleplaying is rolling (though truth be told
still rather bumpy), and the Soulless Gods haven't broken free and eaten
up the world. Phew!

Yes, there are still outstanding bugs and balance issues, but nothing
fatal (in that nothing completely unbalances the game or causes fatal
crashes). We are still working on the bugs (a neverending task) and, as
the envoy reports are just starting to come in, we will be looking more
closely at skill balancing among the guilds.

Lusternia is still in its infancy and we are most grateful to those of
you who have stuck it out through open beta. I know it's been rocky at
times but all of you have been patient (generally!) and have helped us
keep the eye on the prize of building a dynamic and enjoyable world. As
such, we'd like to give you a thank you gift of 75 credits for this
incredible service.

Also, we must end the 30% credit bonus along with open beta. I'll extend
the bonus another 24 hours to make sure those of you who want to take
advantage of this offer can do so. (I'll post an announcement when this

Throughout the rest of this week, we'll be doing some fine tuning and
wrap-up, but for the most part I don't expect you to notice any
difference. Again, thank you for all you've done and for voting for
Lusternia in so spectacular a manner on TopMudSites. Well done!

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Urlachmar, in the year 103 CE.

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