The Child's Play Charity Program
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Thursday, November 18th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone
Lustenia will be donating 5% of all credit sales to the Child's Play
program (, which provides cash and toys to
kids in Children's Hospitals across the United States on behalf of
gamers everywhere. This charity was started by the creators of Penny
Arcade ( who "set it up because [they] were angry
the media decided to blame all the world's problems on games and
gamers." By either buying credits from Lusternia or donating directly to
Child's Play, you too can help show the world that gamers aren't
violence addicts (well, a few of you may be--*cough*), but are as
charitable as, or more than, anyone else on the globe.
It may interest those of you who got "Wesley Crusher" on the silly
personality test, that the actor who plays him is a supporter of Child's
Play too! Check it out:
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Dioni, in the year 103 CE.