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Announce News Post #951

Nexus Worlds: Auronidion Particles and Auronispheres

Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Friday, November 16th, 2007
Addressed to: Everyone

We have introduced a new reward for participation in Nexus World
battles: Auronidion Particles

These particles are groupable, and a small number can be stored in the
Rift. However, they can also be PUT into aetherholds, and any ship with
at least one aetherhold can store up to 10,000 auronidion particles.

Note that they decay in stockrooms, and Rifts cannot hold very many, so
an Aethership is the preferred location to store them. This too,
however, has its own risks (namely being targetted by enemy

There are three ways to collect auronidion particles:

1.) When an Aethership bombards a Nexus World, there is a small auron
buildup in the ship. The more bombards it has done, the greater the
buildup. When an Aethership is destroyed, these auronidion particles
will be released into the Aetherways and can be scooped up (in addition
to any auronidion particles stored in the ship's holds).

2.) When a colossus or construct is destroyed, auronidion particles will
be released among the debris. In the case of constructs, the longer it
has been raised - the greater the particles. Constructs will generally
release more particles than colossi.

3.) When you focus (either negatively or positively) on a construct or
colossus at any time that it is possible, you will generate a small
amount of auronidion particles over time.

The Gnome Trading Ships in the Aetherways have a limited number of a new
commodity, auronispheres, which they will trade for these particles.
Auronispheres, unlike other commodities, will appear in the Empath's
hands when traded for. They cannot be stored on ships.

Auronispheres have the following uses:

1.) They can be used as inferior powerstones

2.) They can be traded with gnomes at the Facility for various personal
rewards (xp or gold)

3.) They can be INSERTED into a construct to pre-power it for 1 month
- When a construct is prepowered it will drain no power from the org
that month
- This effect can be stacked, and is indicated in LISTCONSTRUCTS

In the future, new construct patterns may require auronispheres to
built. This will particularly be the case for the most powerful
constructs (such as the Black Crypt, Angel Font, etc.).

- XP will be gained for destroying colossi now, though nowhere near as
much as destroying a construct
- Note: You don't gain XP for destroying your own org's colossi or


Penned by My hand on the 7th of Kiani, in the year 191 CE.

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