Auronidion Changes and Bugfixes
Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Saturday, December 8th, 2007
Addressed to: Everyone
The follow changes have been made to auronidion particles:
+ They cannot be sold directly for gold. You can still, however, sell
the auronispheres for gold to interested gnomes in the Facility
+ Destroying a construct via orbital bombardment will release some
particles into the Aetherways
+ A bug with buying auronispheres and incorrect prices/quantities
displaying has been fixed
+ Destroying an aethership which has auronidion particles, or which has
bombarded constructs since its last death, will properly release
particles into the Aetherways
In addition, the following general bugfixes have been made:
+ Mushroom circles were making an odd check to determine whether a room
was a shop stockroom - namely whether it had an up exit. It now checks
whether a room is actually a stockroom rather than whether it has an up
+ Nightkiss will check to see if you already have the defense before
draining your power.
+ Shofangi's Headbutt no longer checks armbalance
+ You will not lose additional balance due to Aquamancy Whirlpool if you
try to move while off-balance
+ Non-enemies will no longer be mistakenly informed they are being moved
by Whirlpool
+ Necroscream WrathfulCanticle's messages have been fixed, and have been
universally changed for the victim
+ When wielding two powerstones, power will be drawn from the stone with
the highest energy remaining
+ Exiting the arena will now restore your ego
+ Glaetherial dust will now correctly be released into the Aetherways
when a ship is destroyed
Penned by My hand on the 4th of Estar, in the year 193 CE.