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Announce News Post #979

Village Revolts and Envoy Changes

Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

There's been a pretty lame tactic going around of killing people right
after a village revolt ends, which is especially bad if the person is
then considered to be in enemy territory by virtue of being an enemy of
the org who won. In light of this, the following change is now in place:

-- After a village revolt ends, everyone in the village will get 2
minutes of divine grace in order to peacefully leave the village

Here are the Envoy Report changes for November:

-- Celestialism Radiance damage has been increased v. mobs by about 50%
-- Cutting healing auras can be done against auras raised by other
-- Astrology Astroglide has a new option: ASTROGLIDE NEXUS
-- Phantasms Phantomwalls have a chance to fade with hitting, and it's
no longer possible to double-stack them in directions
-- Clinging and perching are now much more effective against the wind
knocking you out of trees
-- A new skill in Acrobatics: AIRPIKE
-- Wildarrane Bluemoon now slows focus mind recovery instead of its
prior effect
-- Acrobatics Dodging had a bug with checking
fallen/sleeping/paralysis/etc. It is now working properly such that it's
impossible to dodge in these states.
-- Glamours Maze no longer causes blackout upon being tossed out, and
its duration is now random. Beware, though, because that duration will
generally be shorter now.
-- New skill in Psychometabolism: BLOODBOIL
-- Shofangi Stomp now does damage (though less than a regular kick)
-- Environment Tumbling has a new option: TUMBLE BELOW
-- Probing furniture will now reveal the ID numbers of items within
-- You can now rub enchantments by name, such as RUB MERCY
-- Starhymn PrincessFarewell and Necroscream QueensLament are now high
stanza songs

There are a few more changes still to come, but expect to hear about
these from Roark (mostly concerning warriors). Thanks to our
hard-working envoys for helping to put together this list of changes!


Penned by My hand on the 2nd of Avechary, in the year 195 CE.

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