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Events News Post #293

Valtreth: Dawning of a New Light

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, July 8th, 2013
Addressed to: Everyone

An otherwise quiet period of meditation and uneasy waiting was broken
quickly for Azula Vivalde and Duchess Sidonie Kissane-McCloud of New
Celest, their reveries interrupted by none other than the Supernal
Japhiel. The Illuminator of Merciful Justice relayed to Azula and
Sidonie visions of a great and terrible darkness, of a power that
bespoke something more, and urged them to seek out the source of this
darkness that so threatened the Light itself. Took they to the roads and
mountains of the Basin of Life, along with others who rallied to their
cause, until activity at a mysterious obelisk within the Skarch Desert
was revealed.

The Illuminati of Gaudiguch had so been apprised of this obelisk as
well, and sought to banish a Mysterious Presence that lurked within and
about the obelisk itself, threatening dire harm to anyone nearby. Guided
by a robed and shrouded Illuminatus, those of Gaudiguch divined a manner
by which the Presence could be abated, and so it was after a clandestine
ritual that the obelisk fell quiescent once more, and a way opened into
the space beyond space.

Within, the group discovered a strange market of silks and cobblestones,
along with the battered form of the Lady Terentia and the grievously
wounded Lord Eventru. Terentia, battered from Her encounter with the
monstrous Dreadform of Iklara, tersely ground out that Eventru had been
struck a fatal blow by the creature and needed immediate healing.
WIthout further ado, the pair vanished, instructing Lorina to seek the
Bloom of Serenity and meet Them upon Eventru's healing mound within

All complied, and Maylea - and the Celestians - soon found themselves
before Terentia once again. Maylea, grief-stricken, attempted to use Her
bond with Her brother to save Him, though it proved to be of no avail.
Eventru, weakened, murmured that He was not long to remain, and wished
one final time to see the Song of His Heart, Lyreth, the Sidereal

No sooner had these words been spoken than a quiet song arose from the
Temple of Lyreth, calling countless lyrebirds to the Basin of Life.
Maylea instructed the Celestians to gather the birds within the Temple,
that Lyreth might be reformed. After much searching, and no small amount
of singing, enough lyrebirds were gathered into a rapturous flock that
Lyreth was indeed able to manifest once more. Lorina quickly apprised
Him of the situation, and He, too, departed immediately for the healing

As the Celestians gathered a final time about the four Divinities,
Eventru rejoiced, pale and wan, at the return of His love. This settled,
he closed His eyes, deaf to the weeping of His sister and lover,
oblivious to the silent fury of the Even Bladed toward the beast
responsible. Lyreth, however, was adamant - He would not see His mate
die, and so darted forward, taking Eventru's hand.

The pair were set awash in a brilliant light, and when it cleared, only
one form remained upon the healing mound.

Valtreth, Majesty of the Dawn sat up, regarding all about Himself with a
strange, vacant recognition, and responded to neither mentions of
Eventru or Lyreth. Choking upon Her grief, the Bloom of Serenity quietly
welcomed the Dawning Lord to being, and departed. Terentia, meanwhile,
tersely addressed Valtreth, and bid Him join Her in the Divine Havens to
ascertain His intentions.

And so it came to pass that two Elder Gods departed the Basin of Life,
and returned, reborn anew in the form of Valtreth, Majesty of the Dawn
in a final act of sacrifice and love. The God found solace within the
Resurgence of the Light among its Pantheon once more, though what
aspects of His component beings He retains - if any - remain to be seen.

Penned by My hand on the 14th of Tzarin, in the year 358 CE.

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