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Events News Post #354

The Ancestral House of Strongleaf

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, July 18th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

During an otherwise uneventful Winter's day in Serenwilde, Arian of the
Moondancers and Niina Yfae'dren began to notice the pixies in the forest
stirring with mischief. Several of them had small slips of torn
parchment clutched in their fingers.

Curious as to what the pixies could have gotten up to, they began to
collect these slips together - and found upon them scraps of a poem, one
that none of them recognised. As the day turned to night and once more
to day, they gathered with several other members of the Serenwilde
Commune and discussed what they could mean.

Miakoda, the Maiden of the Moonhart and perhaps the being in the
Serenwilde with the greatest chance of recalling ancient things, would
not speak at length of the poem - though it was evident that she
recognised the story, which concerned the life of a druid by the name of
Banon Strongleaf.

It was armed with this name that Dedicant Eolae and Astrasia Starleaf
led the group to the Hartstone Grove, where Wisdom Strongleaf could be
found. A refugee from the War of the Goloths, Wisdom was one of the only
known descendants of Glinshari - and, so it seemed, the protagonist of
the mysterious poem.

There they found a great deal more information, and learned of a secret
within the Serenwilde known only to a few. In Wisdom's timeline, this
secret had been revealed - but she could not wholly give it up herself
in this timeline. She sent them instead to seek the spirit of Calarin
Strongleaf, who centuries ago had been Banon's cousin.

Barrin Starleaf gathered a song sparrow and called the spirit of Calarin
forth from her cairn, whereupon she told them of the truth of what had
happened during the Nature Wars. Bestowing upon her the knowledge that
the wars had been won - and that the Serenwilde had been reunited,
albeit scarred - Saran Starleaf gained the druidess's trust.

Thus did the spirit of Calarin lower the veil that had kept part of the
Serenwilde secret for centuries, allowing the commune members access to
it for the first time since the Nature Wars. But as she faded, the
druidess said a curious thing: that it was time for the Starleaf to go

Both curious and now perplexed, the Starleaf and their allies sought the
spot in the forest that Calarin had pointed them to. There they found
the secret that the Strongleaf had hidden, the gift bestowed upon
Glinshari himself. And it was there that Calarin's mysterious words
began to make sense: for in that place the Starleaf found a record, of

Upon the bark of an ancient tree, spidery silver script proclaimed the
names of hundreds of Strongleafs; from Glinshari himself all the way
down to the present day. It was there that they finally understood, for
amongst the names they read many of their own - though they were not
quite the same: Barrin Strongleaf; Saran Strongleaf; Astrasia
Strongleaf; Urdnot Strongleaf; Ymuli Strongleaf.

How the family came to lose its name remains a mystery - to all, that
is, but Wisdom Strongleaf. Alone, several days later, she flowed to the
place she had thought lost to time and destruction - the home she had
given up hope of ever seeing. Though she had seen the Goloths defeated,
it was this moment - this moment, stood amidst the boughs of ancient
stories - that truly allowed Wisdom Strongleaf to find peace after war.

And in that moment, she vowed to help her refound family understand who
they truly were.

Penned by My hand on the 12th of Estar, in the year 447 CE.

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