The Ikon Tournament of 539 CoE
Written by: Jal Czigany, the Wanderer
Date: Sunday, September 1st, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone
Fighting fierce battles and honing his skills at every opportunity, Snald emerged at the head of the league and claimed the honour and prestige of his hard work and determination. Here are the standings for those up to the 10th place:
1) Snald, 152 points
2) Xenthos, 137 points
3) Kethaera, 130 points
4) Ayisdra, 110 points
Isabeau, 110 points
6) Nelras, 99 points
Choros, 99 points
Misericorde, 99 points
9) Evette, 90 points
Lyora, 90 points
Dyson, 90 points
Pip, 90 points
Sikris, 90 points
Gurashi, 90 points