Written by: Kyoodai Darthen, Apprentice of the Way
Date: Saturday, June 7th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
To The Forest of Glomdoring, The Night Coven, and both Chhaya and Seer
I wish to apologize for my outburst a couple months ago. First of all, I
wish to apologize to The Great Forest of Glomdoring, for my actions, as
well as my abrupt decision to leave the commune yet again. I am also
sorry for those of you who were around during the period of time I was
going through said outburst, not only did that show a lack of
self-control but how upset I can get over the easiest things.
Secondly, I would like to apologize personally to the Night Coven, for
threatening the life of Chhaya, and for how I acted towards Seer
Urazial. Again, even though the mindset I was in was that of hatred at
the time, that is no excuse, and the situation could have easily been
handled completley diffrently.
Along those lines, I wish to apologize directly to Chhaya, for whatever
I may have done to offend her, as well as my threats to kill her. That
was not right, at all, and I deeply and sincerely apologize. Along with
that apology, I wish to personally apologize to Seer Urazial, I may not
have directly said anything insulting to you, however I did say some
things that should have been left unstead, along the lines of treason,
and meeting you on opposite sides of the battlefield. I have cleared my
mind and thought things over very carefully, and realize the whole
situation could have been avoided.
Penned by my hand on the 20th of Avechary, in the year 208 CE.