Written by: Sadhyra, Shadowed Resonance
Date: Thursday, December 18th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Ode to a Bookbinder
Bookbinder, bookbinder...
Baron of books
Sultan of scrolls
Lord of leaflets
Prince of pages
Sheikh of sheafs
Collater of columns
Warden of words
Evil of evils
oh, bookbinder, bookbinder
My heart - aching
My soul - shattered
My life - empty
oh, bookbinder, bookbinder
So cruel
So callow
So nonexistent
I hate you for adoring you, for I love only a legend
I yearn for a fable and lust for a lie
oh, bookbinder, bookbinder
Go link a node and die
For such a myth as you
As there is not enough room in this Basin for both you and my rage for
lack of your wares
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Roarkian, in the year 223 CE.