Written by: Astraea Nightshade
Date: Monday, December 22nd, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
This post is not written to specifically one person, for Celest has no
one person who leads it. To call Steingrim the leader of Celest is akin
to labeling Glomdoring advocate and supporter of the Taint. Both are
laughable, and both unequivocally untrue. Celest is keen to make mighty
proclamations, eager to sound the trumpets and unfurl the gaudy banners.
Prayers will be said, parades planned, and all of this, because Celest
glamorizes war. Celest aggrandizes bloodshed and violence, and it is a
simple side effect of a more problematic issue: Celest is led by a
militaristic oligarchy that positions so-titled Prince Steingrim, its
moot leader. For as surely as I breathe, I know that Steingrim has no
more control over Celest than I do.
I would be amused, if I wasn't so alarmed to see that Celest cares more
for sating their vitriol than it does for the Basin at large, as it lays
imperiled. News of the maladies of the Elders reaches far and wide, and
I am surprised that Celest does not care for its Deities. Does not care
enough to safeguard Them first before marching happily to a fight that
none would win. Celest will not destroy Glomdoring, Celest is too
impatient a nation to even attempt a drawn out conflict. The bright city
of Celest cares more for their personal lusts than the urgent needs of
the Basin--Nay, the entire First World. It is sad, and it is pitiful.
Take a step back, citizens of Celest, and consider a moment; is this
what you want? To let Your Lords falter, unaided, while your government
would have you let loose a resounding cheer? And for what? For attacking
a small forest on the borders of an enemy that your forefathers created?
There are many tainted things within the Basin, but what your glorious
rulers would veil from you is the tainted corruption within your own
city. If I pushed Glomdoring to war while our cherished Gods were
ailing, it would be tantamount to heresy, an unforgivable crime. Do you
not see the flaw here?
Regardless, Glomdoring does not acknowledge the declaration of war that
the Celestian military would parade out for all the Basin to see. I am
sure that Steingrim, in whatever capacity he serves within Celest's
leadership, meant to inspire and to show for all to see, the might and
indomitable will of an effulgent city-state. What he has shown however,
is the crippling might of a clique of soldiers more ruthless than
reverent. For indeed, what are your Gods, your Supernals, if not merely
another reason to spread conflict and war? Truly, does not Raziela still
carry upon her the wound of thorns, granted unto her by the Communes,
and the Thornroot Movement of Faethorn? Or has the Celestian Government
taken the time to heal her of her perceived woe, and disregarded their
own selfish pursuits?
If there is still some confusion over this whole ordeal, allow me to
clarify once more. Glomdoring does not acknowledge the bloodthirst of
Celest's leaders. Glomdoring will not engage in what the petty rulers of
Celest have no doubt come to consider a game. Nay, Glomdoring has more
important things to deal with. There are times for war, and there are
times when trivial matters must be put aside to ensure the continued
livelihood of all that remains of the First World. Would Celest seek to
doom us all again? I pray not.
In regards,
Astraea Nightshade
Dark Marshall of the Glomdoring Commune
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Dioni, in the year 224 CE.