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Public News Post #1197

My Apology

Written by: Snaithy
Date: Sunday, January 25th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone


I am deeply sorry for all I have done against you. As I struggle to find
the words to translate the deep feeling of regret I hold at my actions,
I remember what I once was. A Templar of the Light, teaching all who
would listen the tenets and the wisdom, but also the sacrifices made for
the safety of the Light. I destroyed all I was for power, which I found,
but what has been missed most was something I never thought I needed.
Companionship. Friendship. Love. All of which I could find in your city
day after day, month after month, for many decades. The loneliness I
feel now is my own fault, and I resent myself for it, as most of you
must resent me for turning my back upon all I once lived for. I hope you
can find it in your hearts to forgive me.


There are no words that can describe the pain that courses through me
when I think of you. Being a Paladin was my life, and I damned my life
by breaking the Oaths made. I was lead by you and I lead you, all to
turn my back upon you. The friendships forged within your ranks will
last with me for eternity - as will many of the tenets, though they were
clouded and warped along the way within the confines of my own internal
prison. You are what keeps the Light moving in the right direction and
for that I am still awed by you.

Those within the Paladins and Celest that were around in my time, I
offer my deepest, most sincere apology. Especially a select few. You
should know who you are. But amongst those I must offer my thanks to a
few. Especially two: My grand-daughter and the one I would think of as
the greatest friend a man can be blessed with. Between you, you brought
me back from my blindness, and I hold that close to my heart. I love you
both dearly.

What I wish now is to be left alone for a while. I want life as a rogue;
a wanderer like many Igasho end up becoming - if not born one in the
first place. I shall seek now to become unenemied to all those I have
offended, upset and betrayed, though it may take some time - a longer
time still to cleanse myself of the guilt I now hold.


Penned by my hand on the 11th of Estar, in the year 227 CE.

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