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Public News Post #1214

Klangfest and Scrapgiving!

Written by: Newt Blasterson
Date: Sunday, March 29th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

Dear Dwarven Cousins:

Strangely enough, the Klangfest celebration coincides with our
Scrapgiving festival! If you don't know, Scrapgiving celebrates the
early times in gnome history when our people were scattered into many
tribes. When the dark gimgamble times came, it was only by each tribe
giving scrap metals that we were able to build the Great Gizgaption
which eventually evolved into the Facility. To this day, the time of
Scrapgiving is when we give each other scrap metal gifts. Later in the
year, of course, we celebrate another type of giving during the Solstice
when the scrap metal collected during Scrapgiving has been turned into
real tools, instruments and toys. Our own hero, Jolly Bundy, leads us
during the Solstice celebrations.

But, anyway, during this coming Scrapgiving celebration, we will most
joyously join with our dwarven cousins in the festivities. We are most
intrigued by your Klangfest holiday and will send the Keeper of the
Tintatorune Secrets to help set up the festival activities!

His Supreme Gnomishness
Newt Blasterson

Penned by My hand on the 25th of Estar, in the year 232 CE.

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