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Public News Post #1227

A Rebuttal

Written by: Grand Cenobite Seretenin the First, Brethren's Sohei
Date: Monday, May 11th, 2009
Addressed to: Sthai Oubliette, Initiate of Night's Secrets

Dearest Scrollmistress.

Firstly, let me congradulate you on a successful piece of prose. It has
been a while since I have last read a piece of fiction as entertaining
as your last post. And indeed, I am glad that you have so easily given
yourself to the teachings of your new sanctuary, having taken your
narrow-sighted accusations, your half-truths and whole lies, and turned
them into fine art. Truly you have embraced your False Memory.

But let me cut my praise short, and get to the point of debunking your

You start off with a light touch, repeating the rhetoric that has become
so popular amongst the Forestals, claiming that 'a rot eats away at the
city', and that 'the Engine falters'. Fair enough. Catchy words to catch
one's attention.

You then segue into an attack on your Lord and Master, The Red Masque,
and His Divine Order, making broad claims of stagnation and silence,
when you fail to mention that it was you who stepped down from the
position of High Priestess and opened the stage for Celina, yet another
forestal traitor to the Engine, to engineer such havoc as was per her
want. You seek to denounce Him and His, yet your words still carry the
graceful guile that He has taught you. In this way, even you realize
that you are still very much His, no matter how much you may wish it

After this, you begin further attacks, this time directed against the
citizens of the Engine at large. You consider it a flaw that the city
consists of 'the dregs of other cities and the communes'. How
hilariously hypocritical, when the entirety of Glomdoring's military has
been cribbed and stolen from the other three factions of the Basin,
having started with Kaervas d'Murani, who, as you so succinctly put it,
held quite the 'cult of personality' of his own. But you would condemn
the very instrument of the Dark Forest's salvation, a cult of
personality, built by Kaervas, which led away the likes of those you
have spoken of. And so Glomdoring built their so-called glory, upon the
backs of borrowed help. Glory be to Glomdoring, Forest of Traitors and

But before you finally pen your bottom line, a blatantly transparent
plea to attempt to lead Magnagora's faithful away from the city and into
the arms of the enemy in a time of war, you claim that the Engine's
virtue of instilling change, 'has become a sham'. More rhetoric with
which to bait the trap. Despite your pontification, the flow of change
within the Engine has never been stronger. We stand at a precipice, a
new tomorrow, one that will find the Engine even more powerful and
unerring than ever before. And you fear this coming change, which is why
you seek to lead our citizens away. You wish to attempt to shove us from
the cliff before we can leap from it ourselves, because you are deathly
afraid of what shall come next.

This is why Magnagora and Glomdoring lie in opposition. Magnagora is a
dynamic force, churning, changing, having embraced the power of the
Excoroperditio and using it to attain that which they desire, while the
Glomdoring is a static force, stubborn, unchanging, stagnant, and
rejecting the Excoroperditio when they know that it flows within every
fibre of their being.

There is no Transformation to be found in the Dark Forest,
Scrollmistress. Your promises are empty. The Forests only seek to
ensnare, to enslave, and to halt all progress. They wish for nothing.
Magnagora wishes for everything. And we shall have it. You shall see.

- Grand Cenobite Seretenin the First, of the Mighty Engine of

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Dvarsh, in the year 235 CE.

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