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Public News Post #1235

A Response

Written by: Sthai Oubliette, Initiate of Night's Secrets
Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2009
Addressed to: High Priest Shaddus Mes'ard, Crimson Ambassador

Dear Shaddus,

Pay heed to what I mentioned regarding personal attacks. If all
Magnagora can do is refute my points with petty insults and canned
philosophy, then I have made my point beyond measure.

Did I leave Magnagora? Yes. Did I do little but write many scrolls?
Hardly. I have aided novices. I have worked hard as I might. I have led
rituals and instructed others on the writing and performance thereof. I
hunted spectres, as even a youngling might do, I brought in power to the
Megalith. I will not outline all I have done for Magnagora; it beggars
the mind what I have done for the city over time.

Do I deny my time in Magnagora? Nay, it is written far and wide, for
many to see. The Glomdoring embraces me now, knowing of what I am, what
I have served, and what I have done in the service of the Masque and the
Engine. I stood for decades, watching the decline of a civilization of
the dead. I have strived and fought, I have stood my ground. And
finally, embracing the greatest virtue of all, I have adapted and found
fertile ground upon which to grow.

Do I seek attention? Nay. My work is a quiet one, done with quill and
sleight of hand. My work is done in the raising of novices; I daresay I
shall never equal the likes of Shuyin, Thoros, or any warrior in the art
of combat. If I have found glory, I have found it in service, a virtue I
trust you remember from the Fainite canon I myself taught you.

But do show me growth. Truly, give me a single example of success the
Engine has had, show me how the city has changed of late. Show me, of
all things, something new and unique, beyond the same tired rhetoric and
patterns the city has seen before. This goes for all of you who are
rising to my bait. Provide me solid proof of success. Echoing the same
philosophy I have tread and retread in the past within the Engine and
attacking my credentials is as pointless as screaming into the Void -
and as productive.

For the Transformation, I remain,
Sthai Oubliette

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Tzarin, in the year 235 CE.

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