The Matrix Research Foundation
Written by: Centaur Brother Everiine Silverwolf, the Eagleheart
Date: Saturday, June 27th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
To the people of the Basin,
After many long years of inactivity, the Matrix Research Foundation is
once again looking for new members.
Formerly the Eliz Tirita, the Matrix Research Foundation is dedicated to
the lost city of Hallifax, the city of the Trill and Lucidian. With the
severing of the aeromantic city from reality, the Trill and Lucidian
lost their ancestral home and were scattered. The Foundation works to
learn what caused the city to be lost, what it was like before it was
lost, and what can be done to restore it.
The Foundation has now taken on a new task as well- the maintenance of
Trill history, culture, and identity. To this end, whether interested in
Hallifax or not, all Trill are invited and encouraged to join your
fellow Winged Ones in the pursuit of this goal.
If you would like to be a part of this project, or simply have
questions, you may contact the Dean, the Research Committee, or any of
the Winged Ones until a proper Research Committee and council of Elder
Wings can be set up.
The clan may be found with CLANHELP MATRIX.
In service,
Everiine Silverwolf
Dean of the Foundation
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Kiani, in the year 239 CE.