Our Skills and Abilities
Written by: Spinner Nicholo Nightshade, Whisperer of Night's Secrets
Date: Monday, August 17th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
During these strenuous times of combat and warfare, I am certain that it
is not highly unusual for those outside of the Forest to approach us
bearing inquiries or requests for spars concerning our various skills
and abilities. Be these outsiders be your friends, relatives or simple
acquiantances in passing, we are, under numerous circumstances, to not
divulge any information and offer and demonstrations or practices with
our skills. With special attention to the Night and Crow Totem, two of
the many unique abilities found only within the Forest of Glomdoring.
I, as a Shadowdancer, have been approached a decent number of times
concerning requests for spars where I am to Choke and set my whole
entourage of fae against them, in order to become accustomed to fighting
with or against them. We have absolutely no obligation to assist them in
this matter. Teaching them of our ways and tactics in combat will remove
our advantage against them, weakening us and strengthening them in the
So please refrain from spars with outsiders lest they are necessary,
keep them as brief and secluded as possible. Do not betray the Forest
and your people, stay strong to our code: "Nother Matters but
For the Heart of Darkness,
Nicholo Nightshade.
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Dioni, in the year 243 CE.