Written by: Elemental Supremacist, Narsrim D'cente`, Crescendo of Transformation
Date: Saturday, September 5th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Dearest Serenwilde,
Many years ago you conspired with your enemies to bind the Supernal
known as Raziela. You were successful, and for many decades you argued
that you had acted in the best interests to protect the Fae. In recent
years, however, your strength has waned significantly, and you find
yourself the least of all nations that inhabit this Basin. You are
tempted by those of Mother Night to keep up this foolish war with the
cities because she promises you glory, but in truth, you do nothing but
Do you yearn for punishment like the servants of Nifilhema or are you
simply tired of being bled dry? You have much to offer the Engine, and I
speak not of sacrificing your way of life or values, but rather I speak
of industry and trade. We are not a barbaric people, and I challenge you
to truly consider your options. Diplomacy, to my knowledge, has not been
attempted, and I cannot fathom why you haven't seized upon it given your
martial atrophy.
Do you even realize that three Demon Lords you slew have been raised
anew, mightier than ever while the Avatars of Mother Moon lie dead and
gone? Does it not shame you that you sought first to stride into the
bowels of Nil before tending to the weakened Spirit you serve? I do hope
you put your silver tongues to use.
A few passing thoughts,
Narsrim D'cente`
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Juliary, in the year 244 CE.