Written by: Talan Ysav'rai
Date: Wednesday, November 4th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
In lieu of rational discourse, the Great Alliance of Glomdoring accepts
your leader's declaration of war and the dissolution of all agreements,
formal and informal, which have been made for the protection of citizens
of Celest and its territories.
You, Sheia Silverwing, are the height of ridiculousness. Rather than
hold your own accountable for violations of a ceasefire as Glomdoring
has done, you opt to start a war in the name of the Light which will be
fought for you by Serenwilde and Magnagora. The irony of this situation
will doubtless be lost upon the fetid morass of snuggling fishcakes that
you call a populus, but I for one, smirked.
The three of you together, banded only by your hatred of that which has
No Mercy, will surely give us the challenge we have longed to be
thrilled by. So be it.
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Dvarsh, in the year 249 CE.