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Public News Post #1290


Written by: Dreamer Pruxi, Psalm of Revelation
Date: Saturday, November 14th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

I understand the motivations of war. I know that there are some things
that can not be tolerated, that there are grudges that may never be
erased. I understand the purging of the enemy from your territory, and
that death is warranted to all those who are attacking.

However, I do not understand the pointless and petty insults,
desecrations, and killings. I do not understand why those who are
powerful, Demigods even, would care to kill me or any other of my fellow
younglings, especially when we are doing nothing to harm them. It is not
even the killing that is the problem, it is the fact that Demigods will
go so far as to HUNT those far weaker than them, going out of their way
to kill someone who is doing nothing but exploring the new places in our
beautiful Basin, new places revealed in the spirit of camaraderie and

Such acts degrade and decay all morals, all creeds. From the supposed
powerful leader, Fain of the Red Masque, to the healer of light, Eventru
, Crown of the Exalted. From the guardian of nature Lisaera, The silver
Goddess, to even the intellectual Nocht, the Silent.

Such acts are weak, are harmful, go against nature, and are foolish.

Though I am as yet new to the basin, I am deeply disappointed.

Continue the wars, such is not my concern to stop.

If you will continue to hunt the weak, when they do no harm to you, do
not labor under the illusion that you are glorious, or that you are

Hunting, Murder, without reason.
How cowardly it is.

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Vestian, in the year 250 CE.

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