Your Post....
Written by: Shadow Warrior Halse n'Kylbar, Ward of Shiawase
Date: Saturday, November 14th, 2009
Addressed to: Eventru, Crown of the Exalted
Dear Eventru,
How to start this post...hmm how about I say thank you for the laugh I
received after reading yours. I haven't laughed like that in a good
while and it felt good. So thank you. You will have to forgive me for
being...blunt. Or don't either way it makes no difference to me.
However, onto what I really want to address. Which is the stupidity
behind the post. And just so we are clear...I know how Celestians can
misinterpurt things so I will make this as simple as I can. What follows
is strictly my opinion and view point. Not Glomdoring or the Ebonguard.
Is that clear enough?
So to start off with, if I recall correctly you said, "..those of
tainted origins must realize that their very existence is harmful, a
weakness beget -woefully - ..." and it goes on. But that is the part I
wish to deal with first. So let's look at this for a minute...everyone
that is "tainted" or of "tainted origins" must realize their existence
is by your own words anyone with parents who are part of
Magnagora or anywhere else that accepts the taint is tainted and thus
their existence is harmful. How many Celestians have blood ties to Mags?
Whether this wish to acknowledge them or not. Their existence is not
harmful just because you do not like it. Rather it is a part of life
now. Get it through your head, the taint is not going to go. What Celest
did in the times of old can not be undone. It's that simple. There are
always going to be people that are going to spread it and promote it
whether we like it or not. That is life and that is free choice. So
short of you taking away everyones' right to choose their own
path...yeah don't see that happening. Magnagora is going to stick
Now the next thing..."To the south, more barbarians.." Okay so by this
point you have called Magnagora a blight on existence, insulted
Serenwilde, and no insult Glomdoring, my home. Yet, not once do I see in
your post a single remark about the misdeeds of Celest the city you hold
sway suprising. Before you insult others, take a look at your
own city Eventru. Celest, where I first started out, full of hypocrits
that don't even go by the codes they swear to up hold. Celest, full of
people that sit and preach one thing and do the opposite. Celest, the
city that I left and instead of even inquiring why, I got enemied and
attacked before I even fully knew how to fight. Here is the funniest
thing of all...
Narsrim...a man who as far as I have known has been part of Celest, he
has no moral code, no ethics to live by...he just hunts down those that
can't beat him and when others arrive that can fight he runs away. HE
LEFT CELEST!!! What does that tell you about your precious little city
when they can drive away a man with no morals to Magnagora which you say
is harmful and shouldn't be around.
Oh theres more dear Divine of hyprocits. You insult both communes and
the other city...yet your city is allied with Magnagora and
Serenwilde...against Glomdoring. Hmm...allying with Magnagora. But
didn't you say they were harmful to existence? I guess they are
beneficial to your goals? Now you see why I say hypocrit. I guess Celest
truly does follow their divine.
Don't waste time responding. I do not care to read more stupidity
escpecially from a divine who is suppose to have infinite wisdom. Deal
with your city and their faults before you cast judgement on others.
Penned by my hand on the 9th of Vestian, in the year 250 CE.