Guild Administrator
Written by: Princess of the Sea, Postulant Aleria Zayah, Love's Disciple
Date: Sunday, January 10th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Salutations Celestines,
As you all know, Vermilla has decided to step down from her position as
Guild Administrator and thus I would like to begin this post with a deep
heart-felt thank you for her years of hardwork and dedication that has
helped make the guild what it is today. Without her I personally would
not have gotten near as far in life, or achieved many of the goals I
have set before myself.
Many of you know me and have either fought, bled, or worked beside me,
if not a combination there of. For those of you that don't I know you
may be reluctant to vote for me due to my youth as in most cases it's a
reflection of your experience in the world. To those of you that may
question, I write this to ensure you that though I may not know
everything, there is not a day that passes that I don't seek answers to
that which I do not know. I stepped from the portals a mere four years
ago and from that day I have spent every ounce of my time working on
something, wether it be strength to better assist you in defense of our
beloved Celestia or time teaching the young the essentials for them to
become productive members of our guild. There are many things I would
like to contribute to the guild and given the position I would gladly
put every effort into making those come true. One being that I would
like to have Secretary positions that are job duty specific..not that
they cant help in all fields but to ensure that the necessary morale and
effort is put forth to make the guild as productive as possible. My
dream is to see the Celestines become as active as possible, and to
promote our own bonded community. I make you no false promises or give
you false hope..but I do vow this..if I am elected I will do everything
in my power to help our already great guild become greater!
Yours In Faith,
Aleria Zayah
Penned by my hand on the 11th of Roarkian, in the year 254 CE.