Mother Night and the Shadowdancers
Written by: Prince Viynain Stormcrow, Savant of Darkness
Date: Monday, January 11th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings everyone,
Just a quick note to stem the ever increasing tide of messages I'm
receiving - the recent brandings set by me is to bring in line the
relation between the Night Coven and Mother Night. Whether you have
commited recent actions or actions decades past, being enemied to one
will, from this posting, get one enemied to the other. The same
principle applies should someone seek to be unenemied.
I, personally, care not about whether you feel justified in the
branding, but I do care for the recognition of the relation between the
two entities of Mother Night and the guild. Fines will be set soon
should one be interested in remedying their statuses - at least, for
those eligible anyway. All other messages in regards to such
declamations of conspiracy or corruption will be discarded should you
fail to read this announcement.
In service,
-Viynain Stormcrow
Penned by my hand on the 8th of Estar, in the year 255 CE.