Guild Design Contest
Written by: Smoldering Blaze Kalas Dartien, Dreamer of the Flame
Date: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
I will be hosting a Guild design contest in the coming months to help
raise gold for our guild. Designs from all trades will be accepted and a
winner chosen from each category. To submit a design it will cost 1k or
500 per if you wish to submit multiples, please write them up in a
letter(put entry fee in letter) and mail it to me and make sure you
remember to sign them. Designs are to be guild related and only guild
related no others will be accepted. Prizes are to include a fully
enchanted piece of jewelry of your choice to winners of each category, a
bottle of booze of choise to be provided to each category winner by our
gracious Sage Anyania, as well as 10% of the proceeds to be divided
amongst winners. The items made from the winning designs will be guild
only items. I look forward to what all you creative minds come up with
and the guild will benefit greatly from the gold.
Penned by my hand on the 16th of Juliary, in the year 256 CE.