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Public News Post #1359

A proposal!

Written by: Mieari Disati, Seneschal of the Rule
Date: Sunday, June 13th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Freedom Council!

I would like to put together a contest to promote our theatre more, any
who were awake when I asked who in the city was interested would know
that there are those already interested but need the right direction and
a small to medium to large push in the right direction.

My idea is this: To have citizens interested put together plays that
depicts the events that led to the Founding of Gaudiguch.

This is an event that many of us can still recall, and one that should
be remembered for the centuries of work put towards it and the bright
shining moment that our city was freed, and we were allowed our home.

The suggested prizes should be:
First - 20 Credits
Second - 10 credits
Third - 5 Credits

The winner will be voted on by the Freedom Council, similar to the essay
contest that was just held.

If anyone has some ideas to add to it, or some changes, or questions,
direct them to me and I'll do my best to answer!

Mieari Disati

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Kiani, in the year 267 CE.

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